Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Twitter, Tweet, Nudge!

I've just spent a very long time looking at Twitter. What is it - another social networking software. Do I like it - at first blush, not really. It seems to be big on interfacing with mobile devices and alas, I don't own one so I can't really experiment. In a nutshell, when you log on, you send 'updates' or 'tweets' of 140 characters or less to your 'followers'. I let my profile roam free over the twitter site and have picked up a mysterious follower. That is one aspect that instantly does not appeal to me. But for avid social networkers, this software has great possibilities. You can grow a network of friends who know friends who know friends - you can have your 'tweets' become part of your blog automatically.
When Chris, of Betchablog was first introduced to Twitter, he was a non-believer just as I am. But he's changed his mind now Why? Well in his words " What does make perfect sense is what Twitter suddenly enables. I have a network of 63 people, comprised mostly of some of the world’s most innovative educators. 63 people to bounce ideas off, share links with, get advice from. 63 people who are willing to share a little insight into how they think and what they do. 63 people all stumbling across new cool web tools and willingly sharing them. 63 people to tap into when I need to gather a crowd to try an idea, find a partner to test a technology, or simply have a whine about my day. I know it sounds bizarre, but it works, and its awesome." I'm not sure I'll change my mind just yet. If I understand correctly, the 'tweets' from friends would be an interruption, an inconvenience to me. I have difficulty enough keeping up with my emails and blogging, let alone receiving tweets from everyone throughout the day! But take a look for yourself at Twitter and let me know what you think!

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